Rabu, 30 September 2015

Rundown Workshop

Demi kenyamanan dan kelancaran acara, maka kami membatasi jumlah peserta workshop dan saat ini target peserta hampir terpenuhi. Terimakasih untuk teman-teman yang telah mendaftar. Berikut adalah rundown acaranya.

The Senses as The Windows to Connection With The World
Workshop with Stephen Spitalny
October 3, 2015
09.00 - 15.00
Jagad Alit - Waldorf Playgroup & Kindergarten
Jl. Babakan Jeruk IIIB no 18 Bandung

Registration fee 300K
(snack and lunch included)

To register, please contact 
fani.funy@gmail.com cc jagadalit.waldorfschool@gmail.com
limited for 25 seats

Kamis, 24 September 2015

Confirmed Oct 3, 2015
The Senses as The Windows to Connection With The World
Workshop with Stephen Spitalny

October 3, 2015
09.00 - 15.00
Jagad Alit - Waldorf Playgroup & Kindergarten
Jl. Babakan Jeruk IIIB no 18 Bandung

Registration fee 300K
(snack and lunch included)

To register, please contact 
fani.funy@gmail.com cc jagadalit.waldorfschool@gmail.com
limited for 25 seats

Minggu, 13 September 2015

Perkembangan Indera Anak

Manusia tidak hanya memiliki 5 panca indera tetapi ada 12 indera yang berkembang sesuai dengan tahapan usianya Perkembangan indera peraba, indera kehidupan, indera gerak dan indera keseimbangan pada usia 0-7 tahun akan mempengaruhi perkembangan indera di tahapan usia selanjutnya.
The Senses as The Windows to Connection With The World
Workshop with Stephen Spitalny

September 19, 2015
09.00 - 15.00
Jagad Alit - Waldorf Playgroup & Kindergarten
Jl. Babakan Jeruk IIIB no 18 Bandung

Registration fee 300K
(snack and lunch included)

To register, please contact 
fani.funy@gmail.com cc jagadalit.waldorfschool@gmail.com
limited for 25 seats

Dear friends... Mr. Stephen Spitalny has come to Indonesia. But due to unpredictable.medical necessity on Mr. spitalny's part, unfortunately we have to postpone the workshop. most likely until Friday, 2nd Oct.
Please wait for further confirmation.
Teman-teman... Mr Stephen Spitalny sudah tiba di Indonesia. Tetapi diakibatkan ada kepentingan mendadak yang menyangkut kesehatan pihak Mr. Spitalny, dengan terpaksa, kami menunda workshop ini. Diperikirakan hingga Jumat, 2 Oktober. Mohon tunggu konfirmasi selanjutnya.

Kamis, 10 September 2015

Stephen Spitalny - Workshop

"Image" yang kita berikan kepada anak adalah sumber informasi yang akan ditangkap oleh indera anak dan kemudian akan ditiru. Anak banyak belajar dari apa yang kita lakukan bukan dari yang kita perintahkan. Ketika kita ingin anak meminta maaf, daripada mengatakan, "adik, ayo minta maaf sama kakak ya," lebih baik kita yang memberikan contoh terlebih dahulu, "kakak sedih ya...maaf ya kak.." Hal ini kemudian akan ditiru oleh anak ketika menghadapi situasi yang serupa.

Sentuhan lembut yang kita berikan kepada anak, akan ditangkap oleh indera peraba anak.
Ketika anak tersandung batu dan kita tdk menyalahkan batu yang membuat anak terjatuh, hal ini akan ditangkap indera kehidupan anak bahwa sehat, sakit, gembira dan sedih adalah bagian dari kehidupan
Bahkan cara kita berjalanpun akan ditangkap sebagai image oleh indera gerak dan indera keseimbangan anak. Tidak jarang kita menemukan anak yang cara berjalannya mirip dengan cara berjalan ayah/ibunya.

Perkembangan indera peraba, indera kehidupan, indera gerak dan keseimbangan di usia 0-7th akan mempengaruhi kemampuan anak untuk mendengarkan dan memahami perkataan orang lain, menangkap dan mau menerima pendapat orang lain, memahami dan ikut merasakan atau berempati terhadap orang lain ketika anak telah mencapai usia 14-21th.

Berikut adalah petikan wawancara the wonder of the childhood dengan Stephen Spitalny yang akan datang ke Jagad Alit - Waldorf untuk memberikan workshop ttg perkembangan 12 indera anak.

I understand and have experienced the reality of imitation as the primary learning mode for the young child, so I try to do and say things that I would be happy if the children imitated.
For example when they have a conflict, instead of asking them questions I speak short statements on behalf of the children. I don’t ask the children to say this or that, or attempt a mediation session with the two parties. Let’s say Sally was playing with a particular doll, and Susie came along. Susie took the doll. Sally cried, Susie played with the doll. I say, with my hand outstretched, palm up, toward Susie; “It’s Sally’s turn now. You can have a turn next.”
Susie puts doll in my hand, I give it back to Sally. End of intervention.

I may have to repeat this basic scenario with these two many times, but eventually Sally might say when seeing Susie approach; “It’s my turn now. You can have it next.” Or Susie might say, “Can I have a turn with that doll?” The social realm is an important area to work with the principle of imitation for a variety of reasons including that it works.

I wouldn’t instruct a child to “Say you’re sorry.” I would instead tell the sad or injured child that “I am sorry.” My hope is eventually the child would imitate that sort of statement. I do sometimes say, “Jack is sad now. I wonder what we can do to help him.” Almost always the child who was related to the cause of the sadness will say, out of their own will taking hold, “I am sorry. Here, you can have it back.” Or, perhaps rub the injured child’s back, or something out of themselves that could be a help for the other, and they have already seen me act or speak in the same sort of manner.

Dear friends... Mr. Stephen Spitalny has come to Indonesia. But due to unpredictable.medical necessity on Mr. spitalny's part, unfortunately we have to postpone the workshop. most likely until Friday, 2nd Oct.
Please wait for further confirmation.
Teman-teman... Mr Stephen Spitalny sudah tiba di Indonesia. Tetapi diakibatkan ada kepentingan mendadak yang menyangkut kesehatan pihak Mr. Spitalny, dengan terpaksa, kami menunda workshop ini. Diperikirakan hingga Jumat, 2 Oktober. Mohon tunggu konfirmasi selanjutnya.

Kamis, 03 September 2015

Workshop - Parenting

Stephen Spitalny from http://chamakanda.com/
will give a workshop on September 19, 2015

"The Senses as the windows to connection with the world"

If you are interested, put your email address so we will give you details

Dear friends... Mr. Stephen Spitalny has come to Indonesia. But due to unpredictable.medical necessity on Mr. spitalny's part, unfortunately we have to postpone the workshop. most likely until Friday, 2nd Oct.
Please wait for further confirmation.
Teman-teman... Mr Stephen Spitalny sudah tiba di Indonesia. Tetapi diakibatkan ada kepentingan mendadak yang menyangkut kesehatan pihak Mr. Spitalny, dengan terpaksa, kami menunda workshop ini. Diperikirakan hingga Jumat, 2 Oktober. Mohon tunggu konfirmasi selanjutnya.