Jumat, 13 Januari 2017

Musik : menciptakan suasana rumah yang tenang, berkaitan dengan pernafasan dan kesehatan anak, "guru" yang paling penting bagi daya ingat anak

Buat saya, yg paling menarik di tanggal 4 dan 5 Februari nanti adalah materi ini :

What does music do to benefit the entire life of the child, how is it to be creating a calm atmosphere at home, and to allow a dreamy and imaginative inner live for the child.
-----> menciptakan atmosphere yang kalem itu ga gampang kan ya. Apalagi diantara grasak grusuk berbagai urusan, mulai dari bersihin rumah, nyuci, nyetrika, ngurus anak, dll sampai dengan kerjaan di kantor. Apalagi pagi-pagi. Hectic banget. Boro-boro bisa kalem. Apalagi bikin suasana yang dreamy dan imaginatif. Suasana di rumah mgkn lebih seperti di pantai yang penuh pengunjung dg deburan ombak yang ganas, ketimbang pantai yang tenang dengan alunan riak ombak yang menyelinap diantara jari jemari kaki.

Dan buat saya, yang paling menarik di tanggal 6 dan 7 Februari nanti adalah materi ini :

- Breathing issues and medical conditions because we don't sing enough. General health and breathing for the child when it is pressed to learn too abstract = that is a musical problem.
-------> ini dia. Breathing issues! Anak saya dua2nya asma. Memang krn faktor alergi. Tp terkadang asmanya muncul pas musim2 ujian. Nah loh.... Daannn when the child is pressed to learn too abstract... eh, banyak kan ya konsep matematik yg abstrak dan kita ngajarinnya pun bingung. Mungkin jd makin abstrak buat anak..haha...
- Music is the most important teacher for the memory in the situation of the school child.
-------> Yg ini lagi. Aaahhh pengen tau banget, sampe bisa dibilang the most important teacher. THE MOST looohhhh....

Itu saya. Saya tertariknya di point-point itu.
Nah orang tua atau guru atau siapa aja mgkn tertariknya di hal-hal yang lain.
Apa aja materinya?
Yang mana yang menarik?

Workshop Kekuatan Musik Dalam Kehidupan Anak usia play group dan TK
4 dan 5 Februari 2017
Jam 13.00 - 17.00
Tempat : NuArt Sculpture Park and Art Gallery
Jl. Setraduta Raya No. L6 Bandung
Investasi Rp. 700..000/orang untuk dua hari

In many ways of practical exercises through singing, playing the lyre, and musical listening and dreaming we want to research the children's feeling, and how music can turn itself later on in school life into investigative intellectual gifts and rich soul life. As a fact, children are very responsive to music in the early age. It is our responsibility to not only respect the talent given to the child, but also to make sure that this legacy can unfold in a healthy way, and that it does not disappear due to the constraints of the modern civilisation.

We want to experience how child development means also musical exploration of the gift given to the child from birth (before birth?). 

In the two days it is my wish to focus on singing and understanding singing
- What does music do to benefit the entire life of the child, how is it to be creating a calm atmosphere at home, and to allow a dreamy and imaginative inner live for the child.
- And how can we as mothers and fathers, as educators, foster the musical joy in playful approach. 
- Music finally can contribute to the immunity of the long reaching effects on the healthy constitution, as a basic trust in life and healthy way of breathing between the world and the soul.


Workshop Kekuatan Musik Dalam Kehidupan Anak usia sekolah dasar
6 dan 7 Februari 2017
Jam 13.00 - 17.00
Tempat : NuArt Sculpture Park and Art Gallery
Jl. Setraduta Raya No. L6 Bandung
Investasi Rp. 700..000/orang untuk dua hari

What is the consideration of musical teaching in the first grades of school? 
The situation of the singing and the role of singing towards the memory forces.
- Music is the most important teacher for the memory in the situation of the school child.
- Music can be movement in sportive games, and beautiful movement in dance and eurythmy.
- Music is singing together and learning by singing and to train memory by heart.
- Music can be playing together on various instruments and learning social rules in playing together. 
- Music can be finally to listen to the beauty of music played for the listeners.

- Breathing issues and medical conditions because we don't sing enough. General health and breathing for the child when it is pressed to learn too abstract = that is a musical problem.
- If we starve the children musically we can't expect great outcomes in later school life.
- If we don't allow the children to experience themselves to enjoy physical movement in games and in music lesson we can't expect them to find the endurance of life forces later on in their professional life.

How to encourage the child to choose the right instrument, to come into a daily routine to play, and to find enjoyment in the family about the musical development of the child.

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