Senin, 13 Juni 2016

Public Talk day 4

May 19 (09.00-11.30) 
Three principles in education: fear, ambition and love. 
Each age in human development is different.

Everything what is misbehaviour is just a field for learning, not only for the child, also for us as adults. We can learn the most. When there is something that the child is very unruly and very rough, then I'm going to think about this, "Wow that is the strength behind this naughtiness. This strength is good but in the wrong place. So where will this fit in the right position? Can I give the child a hint where this kind of strength is welcomed and needed. I'm questioning and opening up for the very different situation. And it's not me who is coming there, I know what is good for you, we are coming into situation where we are becoming a learning community, the child and I or the teacher and the children. Then our reaction will be different.

Learn to see is a positive strength that we can use. When we have dirt in our house, we are taking this dirt out into the garden. There the dirt is oke, but not in the house. So dirt is matter in the wrong place. So the naughtiness is an activity in the wrong place! And we have the task to think it to into the right place. And then we also will always have the situation where the doors to our child is open. When I'm just senselessly scolding the child, then the soul of the child is closing. And then I don't reach the child. So as educators we have to keep the child's soul open. How we can keep itu open?

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